Flashpoints Interview of Lin Laughy & Helen Yost

Thanks to Cass Davis who sought broader media coverage of our ordeals, our anti-megaload campaigns and quandaries finally emerged on the national airwaves!  For a comprehensive description of our Idaho battles against ExxonMobil/Imperial Oil equipment transports degrading our rural roads and wild places into police state industrial corridors to the Alberta tar sands, listen to between 17:30 and 34:30 of the nationally syndicated progressive radio program Flashpoints, broadcast on Tuesday, December 6, 2011.  On listener-sponsored KPFA 94.1 FM Berkeley, free speech radio host Dennis Bernstein, who visited Idaho in October 2010, interviewed anti-megaload litigants and activists Linwood Laughy and Helen Yost.  Although we neglected to mention our usual spiel about our constant, most urgent motivations to halt the boreal forest/wetland ecosystem ruin and global climate chaos resulting from Alberta tar sands exploitation, our disproportionate ranting about megaload mishaps presaged a strange four-hour synchronicity with the worst megaload accident yet: a second direct collision with a vehicle stopped by a flagger (please see the television video at Megaload Accident).

Listen to Flashpoints – December 6, 2011 to hear our stories.

(Link provided by Romney Boehm & Rob Briggs)