Climate Justice Forum: Fritz Edler of Railroad Workers United, GTN Xpress Pipeline Litigation, Energy Transmission Rule, Chevron Divestment from Palestine 5-22-24

The Wednesday, May 22, 2024, Climate Justice Forum radio program, produced by regional, climate activists collective Wild Idaho Rising Tide (WIRT), features Fritz Edler, an international representative of Railroad Workers United, talking during the Dorothy Day Labor Forum about train crew and community safety and public ownership and environmental impacts of railways.  We also share news, music, and reflections on Northwest state and coalition litigation challenging approval of Gas Transmission Northwest (GTN) Xpress methane pipeline compressor station construction, a federal rule prompting nationwide energy transmission infrastructure expansion, and a push for Chevron divestment from its oil and gas fields in Israel and off the occupied Palestine coast.  Broadcast for twelve years on progressive, volunteer, community station KRFP Radio Free Moscow, every Wednesday between 1:30 and 3 pm Pacific time, on-air at 90.3 FM and online, the show describes continent-wide, grassroots, frontline resistance to fossil fuels projects, the root causes of climate change, thanks to generous, anonymous listeners who adopted program host Helen Yost as their KRFP DJ. Continue reading